Municipality Offsite Management

Municipalities are challenged to respond to numerous, varied citizen requests for service.

  • How do they convert these requests to valid tasks?
  • How do they relay them to their workforce?
  • How do they confirm completion?

ServiceChecker offers inexpensive web based software to accomplish this.

The first step is to identify an administrator/dispatcher to receive the requests. This is important because citizen requests are frequently vague, imprecise and verbose. The administrator would take the request; and assign a Task Number along with a succinct description of what is required to complete the task, along with location of the task. Next, they would enter this information on the website already prepared by Oversight Inc. This consolidated task list would subsequently appear on the mobile worker’s device app when they sign in.

Someone, probably the Admin, would assign specific task numbers to each city worker.

During ServiceChecker setup, each worker would download and install the Oversight Data Collection App on their phone. When the worker signed into App, they would see all the required tasks including the ones that they had been assigned. Next they would go to their assigned site, sign in, and complete (or attempt to complete) the task. When they finish, they check off the task and enter a note (written or verbal) describing their work and include a picture if desired. Finally, they would sign out and move to the next task. Each task would record the worker’s name, their actions, their location, and time on site.

ServiceChecker also creates a Time and Attendance report for each mobile worker.

Throughout the process the Administrator or any authorized manager could log on and see a report telling them the status of each task worked on during the selected report period.

As tasks are completed the Administrator would delete them from the website.


The Chronological Report shows:

  • Every task attempted/completed.
  • The worker at the site.
  • The completion story with pics and notes
  • The Date/Time and Location.

The Time and Attendance Report shows:

  • The city worker’s cumulative hours.
  • Their Begin and End Shift times.